Contact Us: 017687 80413


For One

For One... Sometimes you just can't beat getting away from it all for a little “me time” and peace and quiet....

A Rainbow Camper Van is the perfect getaway vehicle, providing YOUR base for everything the great outdoors has to offer.

Whether you're capturing the perfect sunset in watercolour or that perfect trout in crystal clear waters, whether you're out with the camera at dawn or just back from a day walking the fells....The kettle's always close at hand

Explore the wealth of places to visit together

For Two

For Two... “Just the two of us”

A Rainbow Camper holiday is perfect for that special time together whatever your occasion,

A Honeymoon with a difference?

A Birthday Surprise?

Time without the kids?

Or recapturing the freedom of your youth?

Our Rainbow Campers are guaranteed to make it colourful and fun!


For The Family.... “Time together and a lifetime of special memories”

Take a trip back in time to a holiday full of the simple pleasures in life.

Lose the tie, kick off your shoes and join life in the slow lane!

A family Rainbow Camper Holiday takes years off you...

Fun together, fresh air, fantastic scenery and lots and lots of interesting things to do.

When the journey is this much fun it doesn't really matter if “we're nearly there yet” or not! While Rainbow Campers may be '70s classics they do come with CD and DVD players to entertain the troops.

Why not write your own “Rainbow Camper Adventure” as you go, we might choose YOURS to feature on our story pages.

The Crew

For The Whole Crew..... One Rainbow Camper always brings a smile wherever it goes and, when you get a few together, the fun just grows and grows.

Get together with friends or family and book several vans together...its our version of “flotilla sailing”. We've got lots of suggestions for great routes, places to stay and and things to do along the way.

And when the kids are tucked up snug in their bunks there's time to catch up with old friends around the embers and set the world to rights...

Its the perfect balance of a holiday together with your own bit of personal space too.





Rainbow Camper Hire

Skiddaw Grove,
Vicarage Hill,
CA12 5QB

Tel: 017687 80413 (10am - 7pm)


Terms and conditions


Lakes Heritage Site